Feb 17 @ 12:00pm | Celebrating Past Presidents & Amtryke Give Away
Lubbock Challenger Baseball Teams are set up according to abilities, rather than age, and can include as many as 15-20 players. Challenger games can be played as tee ball, coach pitch, player pitch, or a combination of the 3.
Learn MoreMore than $8 million in scholarships have been awarded by AMBUCS to over 14,000 therapy students pursuing degrees in physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, and audiology.
Learn MoreEveryone deserves to experience the fun and freedom of riding a bike. That’s why we build and donate therapist-recommended AmTrykes, which can improve motor skills, strength, and self-esteem.
Learn MoreAre you looking for a diverse group of men and women to be a part of where you can have fun and make a positive difference at the same time? Consider becoming a member of Lubbock Monterey AMBUCS.
Learn MoreIt is through the generosity of people like you that we can continue to create mobility and independence for people with disabilities. Your donation will go directly towards AmTrykes, Ramps, or Scholarships.
Learn MoreDo you know someone who might benefit from a therapeutic AmTryke, needs an accessibility ramp, or is a therapy student in need of financial aid? Please tell them about AMBUCS, so we can help!
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