• December 23, 2022
amtryke recipients people weve helpedJacob Mitchell was awarded his AMTRYKE on December 9, 2022. Jacob is a very active and would benefit from having an AMTRYKE. His family likes to ride bikes and Jacob did not have a tryke he could ride and participate in family outings such as this.
Jacob, we wish you the best in your riding your AMTRYKE. This is just one project program Lubbock Monterey AMBUCS is involved in. The AMBILITY COMMITTEE works hard to allow toddlers, kids, teens, adults, and Veterans their dream to be able to ride a tryke, no matter what disability they may have. AMTRYKES allow strengthening, increased coordination, and socialization while they are having fun riding their tryke.
It takes many people for an AMTRYKE recipient to receive their much-needed therapeutic tryke. Because of sponsors, members, and our SummerFest Fundraiser, this AMTRYKE was given free of charge to Jacob. To become involved in the Lubbock Monterey Chapter of AMBUCS, you can DONATE NOW, become a SPONSOR, and/or join as a MEMBER. We are Proud of our past...Engaged in our present...and, excited about our future. As it was in 1960...and as it still is today...We stand Shoulders Together!!
Lubbock Monterey AMBUCS
P.O. Box 53591
Lubbock, Texas, 79453
© 2021 Lubbock Monterey AMBUCS