Lisa Dolezal • June 6, 2024

amtryke recipients people weve helped

lyse is a bright and sweet girl with a passion for fashion and all things girly. Her main mode of transportation is a wheelchair, but an Amtryke is helping her build leg muscles to take small steps. Elyse is a bright and sweet girl with a passion for fashion and all things girly. Her main mode of transportation is a wheelchair, but an Amtryke is helping her build leg muscles to take small steps. She's used a therapeutic trike in physical therapy and has always dreamed of riding her own bike. Her dream came true when she received her very own Amtryke, all thanks to a fantastic partnership with A Plus Storage! She's used a therapeutic trike in physical therapy and has always dreamed of riding her own bike. Her dream came true when she received her very own Amtryke, all thanks to a fantastic partnership with A Plus Storage!

As you can see it takes many people for an Amtryke recipient to receive their much-needed therapeutic tryke. To become involved in the Lubbock Monterey AMBUCS, you can DONATE now or become a SPONSOR. Come join us at our luncheon meetings and see what we're all about. We are the Lubbock Monterey Chapter of AMBUCS; Proud of our past...Engaged in our present...and, excited about our future. As it was in 1960...and as it still is today...WE STAND SHOULDERS TOGETHER!!